Creating a REST API using Hapi.js and Couchbase

Creating a REST API using Hapi.js and Couchbase
Hi, in this post i’m going to show how to create a REST API using hapi.js and and couchbase. Hapi (pronounce as happy) is an open source web framework for node js, which is recommended for large and complex projects. Couchbase is a no-sql

Creating a REST API using Hapi.js and Couchbase

Hi, in this post i’m going to show how to create a REST API using hapi.js and and couchbase. Hapi (pronounce as happy) is an open source web framework for node js, which is recommended for large and complex projects. Couchbase is a no-sql database that provides some special features like sync gateway which is a secure data synchronization method between web, mobile and IOT applications, N1QL sql query support, couchbase lite which and an offline-first database for mobile devices etc.

So, let’s get started!

First you need to install the couchbase server and then create a bucket in it.

If you are going to use N1QL queries in your API, make sure to create a primary index for the relevant bucket using following command

CREATE PRIMARY INDEX `your-bucket-name-primary-index` ON `your-bucket-name` USING GSI;

Then you have to create the app.js file within your project and add the following dependencies.

const hapi = require("hapi");
const couchbase = require("couchbase");
const joi = require("joi");
const UUID = require("uuid");
const N1qlQuery = Couchbase.N1qlQuery;

Now you need to install those dependencies using following command.

npm install couchbase hapi joi uuid --save

Then initiate the server and assign a host and a port and establish a connection with Couchbase by assigning bucket name and the host.

const server = new Hapi.Server({ port: 8080, host: 'localhost' });
const cluster = new Couchbase.Cluster("http://localhost");
const bucket = cluster.openBucket("medium_demo");

Finally you can start the Hapi server as following.

server.start(err => {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    console.log(`Server started at ${ }`);

Now we can start working on the endpoints which interacts with our database. Our first endpoint is a POST method where we use Joi to validate the data. Since Couchbase is not giving any unique id for the records, we can add an unique id using uuid.

      method: "POST",
      path: "/restaurant",
      config: {
          validate: {
               payload: {
                   name: Joi.string().required(),
                   owner: Joi.string().required(),
                   address: Joi.string().required(),
                   telephone: Joi.number().required(),
                   type: Joi.string().required()
     handler: (request, response) => {
       bucket.insert(UUID.v4(), request.payload, (error, result) =>{
            if(error) {
                 return response(error).code(500);
                 return response(request.payload);

Next we can create the GET method to return all the documents.

    method: "GET",
    path: "/restaurant",
    handler: (request, response) => {
        var statement = "SELECT `" + bucket._name + "`.* FROM `" +                                                                              bucket._name + "` WHERE type = 'restaurant'";
        var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement);
        bucket.query(query, (error, result) => {
            if(error) {
                return response(error).code(500);
            return response(result);

Like this, it’s very easy to develop a simple API to perform CRUD operation using Hapi and the code is also simple and easy to understand. Happy Coding! :)

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