AWS Basics for Beginners - Full Course

AWS Basics for Beginners - Full Course
This course will teach you AWS basics right through to advanced cloud computing concepts. Ideal for beginners - absolutely no cloud computing experience is required!

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️

(00:00:00) Course Introduction
Section 1 - AWS Basics
(00:00:53) Introduction
(00:01:19) Amazon Web Services Overview
(00:04:26) AWS Global Infrastructure
(00:07:35) AWS Pricing
(00:15:37) Setup your AWS Free Tier Account
(00:21:19) Create a Billing Alarm
(00:27:34) IAM Overview
(00:32:47) Create IAM User and Group
(00:37:38) Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
(00:48:36) Security Groups and Network ACLs
(00:58:40) AWS Public and Private Services
(01:00:51) Install the AWS Command Line Interface
Section 2 - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
(01:02:08) Introduction
(01:02:36) Amazon EC2 Overview
(01:08:00) Launching an Amazon EC2 Instance
(01:16:42) Connecting to Amazon EC2 Instances
(01:27:48) Create a Website Using User Data
(01:33:52) Using Access Keys with EC2
(01:34:50) Using IAM Roles with EC2
(01:39:05) Scale Elastically with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
(01:47:47) Create a Target Tracking Scaling Policy
(01:55:43) Add Load Balancing with Amazon ELB
Section 3 - AWS Storage Services
(02:09:52) Introduction
(02:10:28) AWS Storage Services Overview
(02:12:40) Create an Attach EBS Volume
(02:20:47) Instance Store Volumes
(02:23:34) EBS Snapshots and AMIs
(02:31:38) Create Amazon EFS File System
(02:40:26) Amazon S3 Create Bucket and Make Public
(02:47:32) Working with S3 Objects from the AWS CLI
Section 4 - AWS Databases
(02:52:49) Introduction
(02:53:28) Amazon RDS Overview
(02:59:52) Create Amazon RDS Multi-AZ
(03:10:35) Add an Amazon RDS Read Replica
(03:16:18) Install WordPress on EC2 with RDS Database
(03:23:56) Amazon DynamoDB
Section 5 - Automation on AWS
(03:34:34) Introduction
(03:35:34) How to Deploy Infrastructure Using AWS CloudFormation
(03:37:36) Create Simple Stacks with AWS CloudFormation
(03:47:52) Create Complex Stack with AWS CloudFormation

(03:56:45) Deploy an Application Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Section 6 - DevOps on AWS
(04:02:00) Introduction
(04:02:43) Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
(04:05:55) AWS CodePipeline with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
(04:15:26) Create AWS CodeStar Project
Section 7 - DNS Services and Content Delivery
(04:25:47) Introduction
(04:26:23) Amazon Route 53 Overview and Routing Policies
(04:30:22) Register Domain Using Route 53
(04:35:44) Create Amazon CloudFront Distribution with S3 Static Website
(04:44:30) Add an SSL/TLS Certificate and Route 53 Alias Record
Section 8 - Docker Containers and Serverless Computing
(04:53:35) Introduction
(04:54:34) Docker Containers on Amazon ECS
(05:06:06) Serverless with AWS Lambda
Section 9 - Application Integration and Loose Coupling
(05:13:12) Introduction
(05:14:01) Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS
(05:16:32) AWS Lambda to Amazon SQS Event Source Mapping
(05:22:49) Serverless Application - Amazon SQS, SNS, and Lambda


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