Vuejs - Vuetify UI Design, Plant Shop Dashboard

Vuejs - Vuetify UI Design, Plant Shop Dashboard
In this tutorial we'll learn How to design a Modern Plant Shop Dashboard application ( web design ) using vuetify and vuejs 2 , material design icons, Font Awsome icons. Card, Aavatar, list item, Icon, Image, Tabs .

In this tutorial we’ll learn How to design a Modern Plant Shop Dashboard application ( web design ) using vuetify and vuejs 2 , material design icons, Font Awsome icons.
Card, Aavatar, list item, Icon, Image, Tabs .
------------------------ Code source -----------------
Github Code Source :
----------------------- Commande -------------------
vue create plant
cd plant
vue add vuetify
npm install material-design-icons-iconfont -D
npm install @fortawesome/fontawesome-free -D
npm run serve


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