How to Install NPM & Node Js in Windows

How to Install NPM & Node Js in Windows
How to Install NPM & Node Js in Windows. In this article , we will show you how to install Node Js & NPM on windows. NPM is a node package manager. Npm is the package manager for the Node JavaScript platform. It puts modules in place so that node can find them, and manages dependency conflicts intelligently.

How to Install NPM & Node Js in Windows. In this article , we will show you how to install Node Js & NPM on windows. NPM is a node package manager. Npm is the package manager for the Node JavaScript platform. It puts modules in place so that node can find them, and manages dependency conflicts intelligently. It is extremely configurable to support a wide variety of use cases. Most commonly, it is used to publish, discover, install, and develop node programs.

After install npm and node js on windows, we will run the simple command check the version of install node js & npm on windows system.

What is Node.js?

  • It is an open source server environment
  • It is free
  • Node.js runs on various platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.)
  • Node.js uses JavaScript on the server

What Can Node.js Do?

  • It can generate dynamic page content
  • It can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server
  • Node.js can collect form data
  • It can add, delete, modify data in your database

NPM  , short for Node Package Manager, is two things : first and foremost, it is an online repository for the publishing of open-source Node.js projects.  second, it is a command-line utility for interacting with said repository that aids in package installation, version management, and dependency management. also install npm.

Install Node.js & NPM on windows Steps :

1 .  Go to the Official Website and download the necessary binary files. In our example, we are going to the download the 64-bit setup files for Node.js.  click Windows Installer (.msi) 64-bit

install npm windows

2. Desktop menu bar node-v10.14.2-x64.msi file is downloaded , double click on the downloaded node-v10.14.2-x64.msi file to start the installation.

**3 .**Click the “Next” button to continue with the installation

install npm windows

**4. ** Accept Node js terms and liencens. click on next

5.  Select a custom location after click Next to install

**6.**In this step  default components  node js runtime and click on the next button.

install npm windows

** 7.** In this step ,Now click the Install button and  node js & npm installation process runing on windows

install npm windows

8.  Completed the process of install node.js  & npm windows . Click on finish button.

install npm windows

**9.**In this step, Open your command prompt and type the command “node  -v”

node -v

10. In this step , type  ” npm  -v”  for check npm (node package manager)

install npm windows


You have successfully install Node js & NPM on Windows. You are now ready to start deploying your applications and use Node js and NPM.

In this article,We have Successfully install NPM & Node Js on windows. We will provide free node js chat plugin . It is very quick to installation & run. Next article, I will explain ,how to install & step node.js chat plugin in few minute .

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If you have any questions or thoughts to share, use the comment form below to reach us.

Further reading:

Building a GraphQL API with Node, Express and MongoDB

How to Build a GraphQL API in Express with File Upload


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