Learn Rust Programming - Complete Course πŸ¦€

Learn Rust Programming - Complete Course πŸ¦€
In this comprehensive Rust course for beginners, you will learn about the core concepts of the language and underlying mechanisms in theory.

In this comprehensive Rust course for beginners, you will learn about the core concepts of the language and underlying mechanisms in theory.

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
00:00:00 Introduction & Learning Resources
00:06:19 Variables
00:27:07 Numbers & Binary System
01:09:51 Chars, Bools & Unit Types
01:17:55 Statements & Expressions
01:24:50 Functions
01:32:53 Ownership
02:24:06 Borrowing
02:47:45 String vs. &str
03:17:59 Slices
03:31:35 Tuples
03:40:04 Structs
04:02:52 Enums
04:13:46 The β€œOption” Enum
04:21:32 Flow Control
04:44:43 Pattern Match
05:16:42 Methods & Associated Functions
05:31:50 Generics
06:06:32 Traits
06:47:15 Trait Objects
07:09:51 Associated Types
07:39:31 String
07:59:52 Vectors
08:29:00 HashMaps
08:52:45 Type Coercion
09:04:54 From & Into
09:36:03 panic!
09:44:56 Result
10:28:23 Cargo, Crates & Modules
11:08:28 Debug & Display
11:30:13 Lifetimes
12:14:46 Lifetime Elision
12:38:53 Closures
13:30:08 Iterators

12:53:20 Because of the move keyword the closure actually takes ownership of the movable variable, not an immutable reference. The reason we can call the closure twice is because the movable variable INSIDE the closure is the owner of the data. Meaning we can call the closure any number of times.


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