NextJS Course For Beginners - Routes, Fetching, SSR, SSG...

NextJS Course For Beginners - Routes, Fetching, SSR, SSG...
NEXTJS FULL BEGINNER COURSE. In this video I will go over the basics of nextjs for beginners.

NEXTJS FULL BEGINNER COURSE. In this video I will go over the basics of nextjs for beginners.


  • ReactJS Tutorial
  • ReactJS and MySQL
  • NodeJS Tutorial
  • API Tutorial


00:00 - Intro
05:08 - Setup and Folder Structure
13:16 - Routes, Dynamic Routes, Link
22:40 - Head Component
24:46 - Navbar and CSS Module
35:20 - 404 Error Page
38:16 - API Requests with GetServerSideProps, GetStaticProps

#nextjs #coding


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