Flutter Tutorial for Beginners: How to Make HTTP and API Calls with Flutter!

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners: How to Make HTTP and API Calls with Flutter!
In this video, you will learn to get started with FLUTTER and build your first application including API calls. If you're new to the framework, or you want to explore the basics of Flutter

In this video, you will learn to get started with FLUTTER and build your first application including API calls. If you’re new to the framework, or you want to explore the basics of Flutter, this tutorial is for you! We’ll cover everything you need to know to get started with Dart HTTP and API calls. So make sure to watch the video, and then get started building your first FLUTTER app!

00:00 Intro
01:13 Setup your Flutter app
07:56 Adding Basic Flutter Widgets
13:22 Flutter Navigation
22:51 Making HTTP Calls with Flutter
31:54 Using Future Data from an API
39:38 Passing data to Flutter pages and Pull to Refresh
44:27 Recap

#flutter #fluttertutorial #appdevelopment


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