Python Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Python in 1 Hour | Python for Beginners | Simplilearn

Python Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Python in 1 Hour | Python for Beginners | Simplilearn
This video on *Python Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Python in 1 Hour* is the guide to learn Python from scratch. We will start with installation of Python and IDLE.

This video on Python Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Python in 1 Hour is the guide to learn Python from scratch. We will start with installation of Python and IDLE. After that we will start with Python basics - Variables, Data types, Type Casting, Arithmetic Operations, String, Conditional Statements, Loops, Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries and Functions.

Here we start with:

👉 00:00 Python Tutorial for Beginners
👉 00:58 Quiz
👉 02:27 Installation of Python
👉 04:01 Installation of IDLE
👉 06:07 Hello World program
👉 07:06 Input Method
👉 09:34 Indentation
👉 10:53 Comments
👉 13:19 Variables
👉 15:22 Data Types
👉 16:18 Type Casting
👉 18:23 Operators
👉 22:58 Strings
👉 24:36 Lists
👉 27:06 Tuples
👉 29:42 Sets
👉 31:39 Dictionaries
👉 34:29 If Else Conditions
👉 39:25 Python Loops
👉 42:40 Python Functions
👉 46:39 Python Built-in math Functions
👉 51:01 Python Lambda function
👉 53:06 Python Iterator
👉 56:49 Python Modules


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