Build a REST API with Node JS and Express | CRUD API Tutorial

Build a REST API with Node JS and Express | CRUD API Tutorial
In this video, you'll learn everything you need to know about creating a simple API using Node and Express. There’s a high chance you came across the term REST API if you’ve thought about getting data from a source on the internet, such as Facebook or Github. But what is a REST API? And more importantly, how can you build one

In this video, you’ll learn everything you need to know about creating a simple API using Node and Express.

There’s a high chance you came across the term REST API if you’ve thought about getting data from a source on the internet, such as Facebook or Github. But what is a REST API? And more importantly, how can you build one. There are some more often used terms and technologies when building APIs such as Express, Node, Postman, and a CRUD API.

I’m here to show you how all of that works in practice so that you can build your own APIs. Let’s dive right in!


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