Flutter App with Firebase Authentication and Firestore Tutorial - Crypto Wallet

Flutter App with Firebase Authentication and Firestore Tutorial - Crypto Wallet
Learn how to create a full stack Flutter application using Firebase authentication, Firestore, and open source APIs.

Learn how to create a full stack Flutter application using Firebase authentication, Firestore, and open source APIs.

You will learn to hook up APIs into a Flutter application, use Firebase authentication, and implement CRUD operations with Firestore.

The app you will build is a cryptocurrency wallet app. You will be able to keep track of how much currency you have, convert it to US dollars, and remove coins from the wallet.

💻 Code: https://github.com/Bobleyl/crypto_wallet_demo/tree/freecodecamp

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (01:25) Firebase Setup
⌨️ (09:18) Flutter Setup
⌨️ (10:39) Build App
⌨️ (1:11:01) API & Firestore Hookup


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