Python Tutorial for Beginners: String Handling in Python

Python Tutorial for Beginners: String Handling in Python
In this tutorial, you'll learn about string handling in Python: String manipulation, built-in methods and functions and formatting to generate useful information and to display.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about string handling in Python: String manipulation, built-in methods and functions and formatting to generate useful information and to display.
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Introduction to Strings in Python

Strings play a very important role in storing a variety of data such as email ids, website names, PAN card number, ID card number, license number, passport number etc. Using string built-in methods and functions we can process this data as per our need by writing Python programs. Strings can be sliced to generate different sub strings of the given string using string slicing. Also, multiple strings from a list can be combined together to form a single string. Strings can split to form multiple sub strings based on the character of separation between words of the given string. Using string formatting, data can be displayed as per the need. This course discusses a variety of ways to format string literals. f-string is the easiest way to format the string data. Using function, ASCII value of a character can be obtained and a character for ASCII value can be obtained. Calculating the number of words and number of characters is possible by writing small Python programs. Data stored in different types of files can be accessed and stored in string literals in Python programs and these string literals can be operated to retrieve useful information. Many domains in software development like Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing etc. are dealing with strings data type and this course will help you to know basic and important concepts of strings in Python.

What you’ll learn

    Strings declaration
    Accepting and displaying string
    Built-in methods of strings
    Built-in functions of strings
    String slicing
    String Concatenation and string multiplication
    String formatting

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

    Basics of Computer programming

Who this course is for:

    Begginers in Python programming

#Python #Strings #Morioh


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